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03-21 发布 494 次浏览 展会信息 信息编号:108




中国国际船舶工业博览会, 举办时间:-/4/12----/4/14 举办展馆:其他; 所属行业:运输物流 展会城市:江苏|南京市 主办单位:江苏省人民- 承办单位:江苏联亚国际展览公司 协办单位:中国船舶工业行业协会 展会规模:2个馆 24000平米 503家展商 举办周期:一年一届 官方-:.china-ship 参观登记 展位预订 设计搭建 本展会所属专题:海事船舶展会(1) 展会简介 -中国国际船舶工业博览会-召开- China International Marine Port & Shipbuilding Fair Opening Ceremony经过一年多的筹备,4月12日上午9:30分,由江苏省-、中国国际商会主办的;-中国国际船舶工业博览会;在南京国际博览中心隆重开幕。省政协副-陈宝田在开幕式上致辞,并与市长季建业一同启动了象征博览会开幕的激光球,江苏省商务厅厅长赵进、江苏省经济和信息化委员会副主任秦雁、南京市副市长李琦、商务部外贸发展局局长张超美、-工业和信息化部装备工业司司长张相木、-商务部机电和科技产业司副司长支陆逊、-海军装备部舰艇部副部长王培生、波罗的海交易所-M- Jackson、印尼船东协会海外合作总监Djoni Sutji等海内外重要嘉宾出席开幕式。After - than one year intensive and dedicate preparation, CIMPS - is held grandly in Nanjing International Expo Center during April 12-14! Sponsored by Jiangsu Provincial People’s - and China Chamber of International Commerce, CIMPS - invites the Vice Chairman of CPPCC, Mr Chen Baotian, to make a speech at the Opening Ceremony, and launch the laser ball which symbolizes the official opening of CIMPS - together with the Mayor of Nanjing Municipal People’s -, Mr Ji Jianye. 省政协副-陈宝田在开幕式的致辞中说,进入新世纪以来,江苏造船工业承接世界船舶产业转移机遇,积极参与国际竞争,实现了迅猛发展。去年全省造船总规模占全球15%、全国35%。此次在江苏南京举办的中国国际船舶工业博览会,云集了世界船舶行业知名厂商、龙头企业,必将对江苏船舶产业进一步提高国际化、专业化、市场化水平,把握市场动态,促进交流合作,扩大贸易往来发挥积极作用。希望借助博览会平台和载体,更好地推动江苏船舶工业转型升级,做大做强,创造品牌,实现新的更大的发展。Mr Chen Baotian, the Vice Chairman of CPPCC, sa in his speech that the shipbuilding industry of Jiangsu Province has achi-d rap d-lopment after entering the new century. Seizing the transferring opportunity of the world shipbuilding industry and actively participate in the international competition,; the output of Jiangsu shipbuilding industry in - accounts 35% of Chinese shipbuilding industry and 15% of the global production. - China International Marine Port & Shipbuilding Fair brings together the world's leadin-arine industry manufacturers and industry experts to exchange and communicate with each other which will further enhance the internationalization, specialization, and - l-l of Jiangsu shipbuilding industry. He also expressed his best wishes to CIMPS hoping to better promote the transformation and upgrading of Jiangsu's shipbuilding industry by this platform.副市长李琦也对-中船展的顺利开幕表示祝贺,同时在会上致辞说,南京是全国重要的船舶工业基地。近年来,在国家有关部委的指导和相关政策的支持下,南京船舶工业充分发挥了长江岸线优良资源、大规模产业聚集及产业链比较完整的优势,取得了较好较快的发展。The vice Mayor of Nanjing Municipal People’s -, Mr Li Qi, also expressed his warmest congratulations to CIMPS -. He sa in his speech that Nanjing is the most important shipbuilding base of China. Recent years, taking the advantage of its excellent resource of the Yangtze River and its relatively complete industrial chain, and under the support of the government policy, it has achi-d a good and rap d-lopment.由江苏省、南京市自主打造的品牌展---;中国国际船舶工业博览会;(以下简称 ;中船展;)是江苏省目前规模最大、最具影响力的船舶工业博览会,是江苏船舶产业加快与世界造船合作和交流的重要平台。;中船展;目前已成为国际化程度高、规模大、影响面广并已形成一定的品牌效应的国际国内知名的代表性船舶工业盛会。- China International Marine Port & Shipbuilding Fair is the largest and most influential maritime show in Jiangsu Province at present, which is the important platform for exchange and communication between Jiangsu and the world shipbuilding industry. CIMPS - has now become a well-known shipbuilding industry -nt for its high degree of internationalization, large scale, and we influence.-;中船展;的参展商来自20个国家/地区,新加坡、英国、韩国、芬兰、丹麦等5个国家以;国家展团;的形式参展,这充分凸显了中船展作为国内一流展会品牌;国际性、贸易性、专业性;的定位,显示了国内外朋友对;中船展;平台的信任,同时也反映了船舶业界对未来中国船舶产业发展的信心。相信-;中船展;的成功举办将为国内外同行业的交流合作创造更多的商机,也将对南京国际化会展业发展产生积极推动作用。CIMPS- attracts exhibitors from 20 countries and regions with 5 pavilion from Singapore, UK, Korea, Finland and Denm-, which fully shows its principle of ;international, professional and trade only;, and trust from both domestic and overseas shipbuilding industry. The successful opening of CIMPS - will brin-ore business opportunities between domestic and overseas shipbuilding industry and also play a positive role in promoting the d-lopment of Nanjing exhibition industry.;; - 江苏省南京市太平南路333号金陵御景园19楼A-G座联系人:郑华文;;-13914736518;电话:025-84521101-846 展位预定: 参观咨询: --> 由于本站部分展会信息来源于会员发布及网络,不完全保证信息的的准确性、真实性,如果您有任何疑问请联系我们。 。南京展会信息发布。
更多中国国际船舶工业博览会最新相关信息: 第十二届中国国际给排水水处理技术设备展览会,第十一届中国国际胶黏剂及密封剂展览会,第四届中国国际新型阻燃技术、阻燃材料工业展览会,第十届中国国际装备制造业博览会,中国国际广播电视信息网络展览会,中国国际节能与新能源汽车展览会,

南京展会信息 中国国际船舶工业博览会
